Welcome to Wise Women Ink

“We turn around and there before us is a story we must tell, an image we must capture, an entire universe in a fleeting second filled with endless possibility.”

Our newest title is a beautiful love story, and an important
and powerful message about our fragile planet.

HOLDFAST – To anchor or secure to a solid surface.
Seaweeds attach to a holdfast below the ocean so that kelp can float freely above the water.
Artist and shopkeeper Lezah Boudrow has lived on the wild Southern Oregon coast her entire life. In the spring of 2013, she discovers a devastating environmental issue that threatens her beloved pod of harbor seals. In an attempt to uncover the perpetrators and their agenda, she is determined to stop the poisoning of the ocean.

During the crisis she meets Jackson Craig, who completely undermines her commitment to remaining single. As their relationship evolves and her overwhelming attraction deepens, her intuitive compass affirms all is not what it seems.

HOLD FAST – Remain true to yourself.
Hold fast to your principles, ideals and insights. Listen to the inner self. do what is right.

“All I can say is WOW, WOW, WOW!!! This book is a work of genius. There were so many facets that spoke directly to me. I was hooked within the first few pages. Holdfast is edgy, controversial, and educational. You can tell by the authors writing that she is passionate about the subjects in this book. Truly a gift to the modern day written world. Thank you for offering this gift to the world.” -Kat


Wise Women Ink was founded on a dream, a dream originally to create a deck of daily wisdom cards for women over 50. A guide to our second half of life. And then just like that, more ideas, more clients, more possibilities were unfolding before us. As our lives took the winding path, we began to see (and mind you from our own experiences with what we were accomplishing and failing at) the need to help others traveling a similar journey; folks just need a map and some clear directions.

As independent writers, artists, and creators, it’s a tough row to hoe getting our stories and work into big publishing houses. There are over one million self-published authors out there in the United States alone. Understanding the ins and outs of publishing through an independent publishing house is key. Honing your craft is paramount in catching the attention of anyone, period. We know firsthand what it means to move a story from an idea to completion.

 For us in 2003, creating a wisdom deck for women over 50 was completely unknown territory. We spent endless hours on the internet, phone calls to people who had success with their products. They had learned from others just as we were learning from them. Those contacts became invaluable to us, not to mention the incredible friendships that were forged along the way. In this New Year, Wise Women Ink is dedicated to collaborating with writers, artists, and creators across the United States in hopes that we can make the experience a little easier and gratifying at the same time.